Laurence Vidal, Sales director, South America, Jetcraft
Location: Sao Paulo, Brazil
Describe a typical day or week in your role.
I go to Sao Paulo to meet with principals and other people within aviation. In Brazil, it’s a little different, we do not only deal with lawyers and directors of departments, as we have other players as well. So, I meet with them a lot to get more information about the markets.
Tell us what you enjoy most about your role.
What I enjoy most in my role would be how dynamic the position is. It’s never the same, each day it’s a new challenge. I also like the competition that comes along with it. It’s something that I really enjoy.
Tell us how Jetcraft’s global network of offices and specialists benefit clients.
Jetcraft is very necessary for the South American market because it is an immature market compared to the U.S and Europe, where you have a lot of big players. In Brazil or South America, there are more individuals or one person brokers. To have such a good structure from Jetcraft to support us in our daily work, it makes a big difference for our customers. I think it’s a very good differential for us.
Explain how Jetcraft’s data and analytics are used within your work.
The analytics that Jetcraft provide to us, and our customers is really important because in Brazil, there is tendency to set the price where the customer wants. It’s nice to show them all the data because then it helps to bring people to the reality of the market.
Share which business aircraft you would buy.
I would probably buy an aircraft in the middle size category. Like a Challenger 350 or Praetor 600 because they are very versatile aircraft. In my region, you can do missions inside the country, but also in with one step, you go to Europe. I think it’s a very versatile craft for my region.
Share a travel essential you couldn’t live without.
The travel essential I couldn’t live without is my iPhone because it’s a job where you are always connected.
Share the best piece of advice you’ve ever been given.
The best piece of advice I have been given, would be to never give up because this is a job where you need to have resilience.
Describe what’s most rewarding about working with Jetcraft
The most rewarding aspect of working with Jetcraft is the quality of the people and the human beings that Jetcraft has. We are a real team, which is really trying to do its best for the company. I think it makes a big difference on the market.
Describe Jetcraft in one word.
I would describe Jetcraft as a selling war machine.
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