The Business Case and Performance Metrics Work Group (BCPMWG) presented three reports at the Sept 19th meeting of the Radio Technical Commission for Aeronautics (RTCA) NextGen Advisory Committee (NAC). These reports were the culmination of two years of research that supports improved understanding of NextGen impacts.
The Fuel Data sharing report was especially well received by the committee, as well as NAC chair, Bill Ayer. The FAA has not yet had an opportunity to formally address the report, but will respond at the February NAC meeting. Shortly after the NAC meeting, Michael Huerta referred to the research in these reports during a speech he delivered to the NextGen Institute public meeting on Friday, September 20th.
Jetcraft Avionics’ own Ken Elliott led the Data Sharing Task Group. The BCPMWD co-chairs, Ed Lohr, of Delta Air Lines, Inc. and Deborah Kirkman of The MITRE Corporation, acknowledged Ken’s efforts, saying: “Many thanks again to everyone who contributed to our work, especially the Data Sharing Task Group. Ken Elliott did a great job of leading the group, and we owe much to him for the group’s progress and for producing such a good report. “
Ken voiced his appreciation to Jetcraft, stating, “Jetcraft has stood behind me and supported this effort all the way.”
The BCPMWD co-chairs also recognized the core members of the Task Group, including Alma Ramadani, Art Parra, Christian Kast, Joe Bertapelle, Juan Amezcua, Mark Raymond, Mimi Hoover, Patrick Stovall, Randy Howard, Ric Coleman, Richard Buergel, Ron LaMarche, Stephen Smothers, Sean Cassidy, and Tony Neely.
A copy of the report can be viewed here.
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