October 23, 2024

Q&A with Jaden Jonson

Jaden Jonson, Sales Manager, Americas, Jetcraft
Location: Minnesota, U.S.

Describe a typical day or week in your role.

A typical day for me at Jetcraft is split 50 percent between being in contact with my colleagues and other people within the industry. Constantly on the phone, emailing, or some form of communication. While the other half of my day is working on deals, sourcing, finding new prospects, and working out current closings.

Describe what you are most proud of in your professional journey.

I would say I’m definitely most proud of the connections I’ve made and the network that I have built. The team that I have behind me really supports me in utilizing the skills that I have grown up with. So, I’d have to be the network that I’ve created.

Tell us how Jetcraft’s global network of offices and specialists benefit clients.

Jetcraft’s resources allow me to better utilize our whole company’s data. Our network and connections give our clients a very personalized touch, while still having the global aspect. It incorporates the data that we’ve collected worldwide so I can specialize it to meet my client’s very specific needs.

Explain how Jetcraft’s data and analytics are used within your work.

In my day-to-day work, the data analytics is a very heavy part of my job. I’m working on spreadsheets for hours at a time, so it really gives me a full understanding. This lets me have full clarity on how I need to proceed in any particular situation.

Share which business aircraft you would buy.

If I had a business aircraft, it’d have to be the Challenger 3500 for a couple of different reasons. One, the performance is great. Two, for me it’s the perfect aircraft for my missions. Either flying back home or going up to the lake house or, down to Florida for a vacation, something like that. And three, you really can’t beat the cabin pressurization and with the new cutting-edge technology that they have, I think it’s just a great aircraft.

Share the best piece of advice you’ve ever been given.

The best piece of advice that I’ve been given was by my father. He told me very early on, it’s not what you know, it’s who you know. I’m sure, almost everybody’s heard it, but I’ve really applied it and taken it to heart, and I’ve already seen it pay off in dividends.

Describe what’s most rewarding about working with Jetcraft.

The most rewarding aspect in my role with Jetcraft is seeing a transaction through its entirety. From sourcing out the aircraft, running through all the data, piecing together the information and talking with my friends, other brokers in the industry and my colleagues. Then compiling all these different sources of information into one localized source, that I can turn into a finished product. Seeing the aircraft go to a closing and seeing the results of a happy client.

Describe Jetcraft in one word.

If I had one word to describe Jetcraft, it would be diverse.


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