August 21, 2015
Avionics Mandates Part 8: Mandate Impacts and Status
AvBuyer Magazine, August 2015
by Ken Elliott
Helping you understand avionics advances and related requirements for equipage, Ken Elliott reviews aviation technologies within the NextGen/ SESAR architecture, this month focusing on mandate impacts and status.
As we venture past the midpoint of 2015, it is appropriate to take stock of the impacts of NextGen and SESAR mandates. Below you will find a potpourri of perspectives on this fluid technology transition that is expected to level-off around 2020. Since 2015 began, we have seen several changes in how authorities are addressing mandates. An aggressive FAA has been supporting ADS-B equipage while a non-cohesive Eurocontrol has further delayed the implementation of DataComm requirements under EU operating rules.
Operators do not suffer well such a flip-flop on requirements, especially in the case of EU DataComm. This technology is partially driven by varying levels of preparedness across the different nation states of Europe. R...