Written by Scott Plumb, Jetcraft's former Senior Vice President of Sales
You have chartered several times, and you enjoy the flexibility that private aviation offers; the ability to travel productively and safely with colleagues and family, and still make it back to the office or home with time to spare. You are ready to consider the next step in private aviation – aircraft ownership.
Years ago, the trading of private aircraft was as simple as buying any other high-value asset, but in today’s more complicated world of licencing, tax credits and legal regulations, merely contemplating this particular multi-million dollar purchase can be slightly nerve-wracking. Many first-time buyers are intimated at the thought of such as large investment, with risk mitigation at the forefront. And once your decision is made, how does one go about taking ownership of an aircraft? Here is a walkthrough of the acquisition process.
The first step begins with a series of face-to-face mee...