AvBuyer Magazine, April 2015
by Ken Elliott
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Helping you to familiarize with avionics advances and related mandates for equipage, Ken Elliott reviews aviation technologies within the NextGen/SESAR architecture, this month focusing on ADS-B.
In line with domestic and international aviation goals, industry and certification authorities have developed a complete suite of integrated technologies under the umbrella of Communication, Navigation and Surveillance (CNS). One significant element of this, under the Surveillance segment, is Automatic Dependent Surveillance (ADS).
As the term implies, ADS serves the need to automate the sharing of data between all users, air and ground, that inform the position and movement status of an aircraft. There are two ways to accomplish this from a worldwide perspective, one being Broadcast (B) and the other Contract (C), hence the terms ADS-B and ADS-C.
Broadcast is literally the ability to send and receive th...